Ideas Made to Matter

Data Made to Matter

Principles For Prosperity In An Age of Disruption

Data Made to Matter is a podcast about the business breakthroughs that come from applying data-based research to real-world challenges. In this new show from the MIT Sloan School of Management, host Neal Hartman interviews MIT’s innovative thinkers on a range of topics, from the rising costs of healthcare, to global poverty, to addressing climate change.The Second Machine Age is here. Two MIT economists create a playbook for how businesses can adapt to our new digital future. Erik Brynjolfsson and Andy McAfee are co-founders the Initiative on the Digital Economy at MIT Sloan. Their new book is “Machine, Platform, Crowd: Harnessing Our Digital Future.” We speak with Erik and Andy about the great economic rebalancing of minds and machines, physical products and virtual platforms, core competencies and the wisdom of the crowd.


The Second Machine Age is here. Two MIT economists create a playbook for how businesses can adapt to our new digital future. Erik Brynjolfsson and Andy McAfee are co-founders the Initiative on the Digital Economy at MIT Sloan. Their new book is “Machine, Platform, Crowd: Harnessing Our Digital Future.” We speak with Erik and Andy about the great economic rebalancing of minds and machines, physical products and virtual platforms, core competencies and the wisdom of the crowd.


Lessons In Engaging Your Employees To Boost Your Bottom Line


A supply chain expert shows that happy, motivated workers can make big profits for big box companies - that the service and retail industries can provide well-paying jobs, compete on costs, and win. We speak with Zeynep Ton, Professor of Operations Management at MIT Sloan, author of "The Good Jobs Strategy" and founder of the Good Jobs Institute, about how good jobs can be great for business, and what it means for the future of work.

Big Payoffs From Public Science


MIT Sloan professor Pierre Azoulay is turning the scientific method back on science. He uses online data from individual scientists and institutions to track research and innovation, and he's finding significant long-term returns on investment for the public funding of science. We speak with Pierre about superstar scientists, the research-to-patent pipeline, and why funding science matters.

Let's Talk About Race At Work


A social psychologist uses data to reframe the conversations around race in corporate America. We speak with Evan Apfelbaum about how we talk about diversity, gender, and race in the workplace, and how it affects whether people stay or leave.

Bonus: Education In The Age Of Analytics


Big data is flooding the business world. And we need a new generation of business analysts to make sense of it. A report from McKinsey predicts that the US workforce will be short 1.5 million big data managers and analysts by 2018. MIT Sloan is rising to the challenge with a new Master of Business Analytics Program, launched in 2016.

We speak with Dimitris Bertsimas, Professor of Management, and Director of the new MBAn program at MIT Sloan.Plus, we speak with MIT Sloan alum Ali Almossawi. His business school experience set him on a career path in data visualization; he now works for Apple. His new book, “Bad Choices,” explains computer algorithms to a wide audience.

Personal Finance: Read The Fine Print


Antoinette Schoar is using big data to hold the personal finance industry accountable to the people it serves. The finance professor was a founding member of the Consumer Advisory Board for the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. We speak with Antoinette about prolific credit card offers, shoddy financial advisors, and how what’s good for the consumer can also be good for the market.

Whole Person Healthcare Is Here


As an applied economist, Joe Doyle uses data to root out the real causes of waste in our healthcare system. He analyzes natural experiments in healthcare to connect cause and effect. We speak with Joe about how healthcare costs can be reined in by treating the whole patient, and why he’s drawn to work in this field.

Stopping Climate Catastrophe


MIT Sloan’s John Sterman took data-based models to the 2015 Paris Climate Conference. The Systems Dynamics professor used data-based models to build consensus around curbing greenhouse gas emissions and limiting global temperature rise. Recently, President Trump announced that the US is withdrawing from the Paris Climate Accord. We speak with John about how data-based models can change minds and spur action, and why he's still hopeful about the future of climate change. You can learn more about John's work on climate change at

On A Mission In Medicine: Using Data For Personalized Treatment


Data-based algorithms are personalizing medicine. A family history with diabetes led MIT Sloan professor Dimitris Bertsimas to make breakthroughs in treatment. We spoke with Dimitris about why he works on diabetes, and how he’s using his expertise in data analytics to help. You can learn more about Dimitris’ work here.

Texting Out Of Poverty


A developmental economist uses data to track how technology is changing lives in Africa. Tavneet Suri is on the ground in Kenya, collecting data on telecom innovations and their impacts. We spoke with Tavneet about how mobile money is lifting women and families out of poverty. We also learn some surprising facts on why voter texts are causing disappointment. You can learn more about Tavneet’s research here.

Financial Engineering To Save The World

Andrew Lo’s insights into how markets work lead him to tackle global issues. The MIT Sloan finance professor is using market levers to fix the problems of the world. Andrew discusses his new adaptive market theory, and how he’s using financial engineering to help cure cancer. You can learn more about Andrew’s work here.

Don't Lie To Me Argentina


MIT Sloan Professors Roberto Rigobon and Alberto Cavallo are leading a revolution in online data. Their goal is to measure every aspect of life accurately…starting with the real rate of inflation in Argentina. They co-founded the Billion Prices Project, which uses online data collected from around the world to conduct economic research. We spoke with Alberto and Roberto about the data insights at the core of the Project, and how they brought their work to market. More at